Tag Archives: Membership

Longevity Pin – 15 Years

Last month we posted about some end of the year awards and longevity presentations (see Branch 25 Holiday Luncheon and Awards).  However, as a branch that conducts a lot of its business and events online, we have members that span from all across California, as well as Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Utah, Texas, and even Mexico.  As such, often times we have to present honours to our members when the opportunity arises.

Recently, one of our more senior members in Mexico – Comrade Robert Bosch – was able to present another one of our members – Comrade Christine Philipson – with her 15 year longevity membership pin.  Also pictured in one of the pictures below is Comrade Richard Palmer, who is President of ANAVETS Mexico Unit 19 and a member of the one of the Calgary branches of Royal Canadian Legion.

Joan Para’s 100th Birthday Gathering

On Tuesday, 16 January, members of Branch 25 (San Francisco) of the Royal Canadian Legion – along with her family and friends – celebrated the 100th birthday of Joan Para.  Joan Para is Branch 25’s last remaining World War II veteran. She was born in 1924 in Lowestoft, England. Following aptitude testing in Honiton, Devon to determine which jobs they would be best suited, Joan was assigned to Army Communications during World War II.  She then went on Bradford, near Leeds, for training and was eventually stationed in London, near Buckingham Palace. Joan served from 1942 to 1946.

Below are some pictures and videos from yesterday’s event – and you can read more about Joan and her service in these previous entries:

Branch 25 Holiday Luncheon and Awards

Following the Wreaths Across America 2023 event at the San Francisco National Cemetery, the Branch gathered for our holiday luncheon  and presentation of awards and longevity pins.  While several members were unable to attend, the branch presented longevity pins to:

  • Charles Martin – Associate 40 Year
  • Margaret Krieger – Associate 10 Year

The following members of the executive were also presented with their Branch Past Officer Medals and bars.

  • Trevor Page: Sergeant at Arms
  • Tom Bathurst: Chaplain

Finally, each year Branch 25 considers whether there is any member worthy of the Legionnaire of the Year Award.  The award is described as:

The Legionnaire of the Year Award is another award available to recognize the hard work of many volunteers within our Branches. Legion Branches have dedicated members who volunteer countless hours each year towards their success. Branches are encouraged to choose one of their members each year from amongst these valued volunteers to recognize them as ‘Legionnaire of the Year.’

Here is Comrade Page with his Legionnaire of the Year plaque (as well as his past officer medal on the table in front of him).

After the luncheon, Comrades Barbour and Page paid a visit to the home of Comrade Wayne Padgett to present him with a 50 Year Long  Service Medal and membership pin.  The medal is described as:

The 50 Year Long Service Medal may be awarded to Legion members and members of the Ladies Auxiliary who have completed fifty years of membership in The Royal Canadian Legion. For the purposes of this medal a person’s service includes that in the Canadian Legion of the British Empire Ex-Services League and The Great War Veterans Association. The medal may only be awarded on the recommendation of the member’s Branch.

Below are pictures of Comrades Padgett and Barbour.

Joan Para Luncheon

Earlier today several members of our branch had the opportunity to sit down for lunch with our remaining World War II veteran in the branch.  Joan Para served in Army Communications, where she trained in Bradford and was eventually stationed in London, near Buckingham Palace from 1942 to 1946.  Below are some pictures from the event where the branch presented her with a little display.

[FINAL REMINDER] Request for Participation – “I Joined” Membership Campaign

In 2020, as a way to get membership engaged all across the country, Dominion Command of the Royal Canadian Legion engaged in an “I Joined” campaign.  In preparation for a membership drive that we are going to undertake in the Fall, US Branch 25 – representing the San Francisco Bay Area – is replicating this campaign.

Our members are the lifeblood of the Royal Canadian Legion.  Without your support, we could not do all we do to honour, support, and remember Canada’s veteran and their families.  We invite you to share why you joined the Legion.  For some it may be to give back to those who served, to honour family members, or to support our branch and communities.  So tell us your Legion story!  Why did you join the Legion?  What do you like about being a member?  What is your favourite Legion memory?  Please visit https://tinyurl.com/branch25-ijoined/ to contribute your own story, and be sure to upload a photo of yourself or our branch to accompany your story – or even a video.

If you visit https://www.legion.ca/news/articles/2019/11/28/in-their-own-words-why-our-members-joined-the-royal-canadian-legion you can see the stories of nine of our comrades from the Dominion Command campaign.  Some of the videos that were produced included:

Here are some examples that have already been submitted from our own Branch:

If you have any questions, please let us know.